Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Brave New World.

I just finished reading this book, and it's amazing how much i was able to personally relate to the two main characters in the book. An amazing book about society and how the mass of a people can ruin everything in the pursuit of superficial happiness.
The introduction of technology to keep people blind, and engineered for specific things rang loudly with myself, working in public tech support. A lot of what i deal with is people who are too  tied up in other ridiculous superficial activities that they rely on technology to do what they can't or are unwilling to do. They can't be bothered with it if something was to not function correctly or perform to their wild expectations.

Which brings in the consumerist mentality of replacing everything with brand new equipment, because no one likes old things or things that have been broken. (which the book covers a bit) everyone wants fast, cheap and reliable. When its explained that's not possible that's when the personal entitlement card gets pulled, money is power and by accepting these attitudes we are propelling it and supporting it.

It's a love hate relationship with technology, without technology i couldn't express my self in this form but at the same time i don't like relying on it and it ends up just wasting a bunch of time. Anyways.... off my soap box it just some thoughts the book brought up.

I am working on getting some stuff together for the site as well some things to sell
check the facebook page The crimson giant fan page
As well keep an eye on the site i am going to try and spend some time on it make it more presentable and a little easier to navigate.

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