Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Brave New World.

I just finished reading this book, and it's amazing how much i was able to personally relate to the two main characters in the book. An amazing book about society and how the mass of a people can ruin everything in the pursuit of superficial happiness.
The introduction of technology to keep people blind, and engineered for specific things rang loudly with myself, working in public tech support. A lot of what i deal with is people who are too  tied up in other ridiculous superficial activities that they rely on technology to do what they can't or are unwilling to do. They can't be bothered with it if something was to not function correctly or perform to their wild expectations.

Which brings in the consumerist mentality of replacing everything with brand new equipment, because no one likes old things or things that have been broken. (which the book covers a bit) everyone wants fast, cheap and reliable. When its explained that's not possible that's when the personal entitlement card gets pulled, money is power and by accepting these attitudes we are propelling it and supporting it.

It's a love hate relationship with technology, without technology i couldn't express my self in this form but at the same time i don't like relying on it and it ends up just wasting a bunch of time. Anyways.... off my soap box it just some thoughts the book brought up.

I am working on getting some stuff together for the site as well some things to sell
check the facebook page The crimson giant fan page
As well keep an eye on the site i am going to try and spend some time on it make it more presentable and a little easier to navigate.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

its hot..... a little too hot.....

So, its been since april 4th for my last update. I have been using my site as the main blog, but flash isn't awesome. www.thecrimsongiant.com Ive been working on some things but they haven't been coming out as i had hoped. Stupid full time job hogging up all the time. Here's some pictures....

I have a problem with cars and rocks too..... By the way.
Doon't forget the facebook page as well as the website.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

The furture.

Lately i have been working on a project, a retail project of sorts. I am not going to go into detail because i don't want it to sink. In between the times i am at work, Rock climbing or working on my car i pretend to be an "artist" In the last month i was able to create a flash website found here......  www.thecrimsongiant.com

As well i have been able to output some smaller pieces that will no doubt sit in my loft in my apartment for all of no one to see. I need to somehow get a freelance illustration job, and somehow get my art into places where i can sell it.

I did recently acquire about prints, but i need 3k to get them printed. That's if anyone will buy them, being the optimist i am i may start with a run of 50 for one print.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A temporary Solution

Well almost 9 months after getting a domain, i finally got around to making something that closely resembles a website. Its going to have to work for the time being. In the mean time i've attempted to paint and illustrate more, however i feel a half eaten sausage has more skill than i do at times.

The most recent 10x16 canvas board.

Im currently in the middle of reading "sales lot" and feel that mr. king's best days were in the 70's early 80's, i almost envy him for being able to express such detail. I often have a hard time completing an entire sentence, let alone describing what i had for breakfast.....which was old pasta around noon.

LEt me know what you think about the site, i know its not too often i get to update, but feedback is always appreciated.

Friday, December 18, 2009

American Psycho.

American Psycho, where to start...?
I found out a month or two ago that American Psycho is a book (Bret Easton Ellis), having seen the movie years ago i remembered that i liked it and decided to pick up the book. Now i know im a few years behind the curve on this one but the book it self was awesome.
It starts out with the introduction to many of the characters. The main character Patrick bateman's immediate detail to the clothing the others are wearing is a bit overwhelming, i immediately thought to my self i don't give a shit what they are wearing i just want to read about grizzly murder. However if you are able to get through the first 50 or so pages the attention to detail is something you get familiar with as well while still sticking to the clothing it also applies to the extra curricular activities Mr. Bateman frequently preforms.

Once the book starts to pick up you get a feeling for Patrick Bateman's overall insanity, desperation and lack of caring. It sets a tone for worse things to come. Patrick's wealth and materialism get him to fit into an elite crowd of people who can't tell each other apart which makes the possibility of mass murder even easier. The book does a great job of setting up the tension and the mood for the awkward, fast, disoriented parts. I will say it again, the attention to detail in this book amazes me, i understand its a book and generally you have to explain things in a decent amount of detail but this nails it on the head. It doesn't do it in a manner of most books explaining things in a long drawn out metaphor, it cuts to the point and makes sure it is understood clearly for what it is.

Now, directly after reading the book I decided to watch the movie. Seriously as soon as i put the book down i went and grabbed the movie. Huge mistake....

Compared to the novel the movie is one of the hookers Patrick Bateman routinely kills. Its terrible, the movie it self fails to capture to complete frustrated insanity that is Mr. Bateman. The mood and tone of the movie is often completely missed. Implied narrative thats missing from the movie is expressed through facial expressions barely attainable by the cast. Also, again i understand its a movie and they have to do things to the books in which they came from to make them shorter, watchable and canned for the mass public but give me a break they moved too much of the plot around, missed too much of the materialism and inner dialog that made you think "yeah, he is bat shit crazy"

Don't get me wrong i think Christian Bale did a good job in the role but the producers fucked it up big time. In short read the book... unless of course you don't like reading about Armani suits, drug use, killing the homeless, murdering hookers and shooting people in the face.

There is my 10 year old movie review / 19 year old book review.

Monday, November 30, 2009

An attempt.

I am going to make more of an effort to keep this updated. With my art and projects i seem fit to share with others. Heres a recent painting "Constellations of thought""

It has to do with all the things and thoughts in our minds.

Here is another one "the wizards rainbow"

I was reading the "dark tower" series by stephen king at the time and this is what came out.